The Blaze Wolf

Fig. 1 - Blaze Silverwolf

Hi! My name is Blaze. Pretty old enough, and an artist.
My main hobbies include being a furry, playing games like Cities Skylines 2, Guild Wars 2, just hanging around, being in my discord server, and also drawing.

I've been drawing for almost 10 years, and recently been in the groove of writing stories to go along with it. These stories can range from a college student trying to recover from losing everything to him, to a space man running out of time, even if he can control it. Stories that are sometimes born out of sleepless nights, or sometimes born out of the colors of the sunset. Or maybe even what I thought of going on a train. The stories are endless. So I hope you enjoy these stories, because everyone has a story to tell!

So uh, what is this?

This is supposed to be a place where I could park the things I find interesting in the real world here in the internet. My interests go so far as building cities, law, music, art, and singing. I haven't really found a website that could be really be mine as well. The closest thing to this was tumblr, and that ended up becoming a dumpster fire after they pulled the plug on porn. But with this place, it really feels like my little corner of the internet. And I hope you find some comfort here.

Well, start rummaging through the papers of the wolfcat's desk!